Hi there!
So, you want to know a little about me? My name is Melissa, and I'm married to the most incredible man I know, Michael. We live in Chattanooga, TN and share a home with my grandparents who I help to take care of in their time of need. I am no where near a good food photographer, so you'll have to excuse me in that department. My husband and I are waiting for the day when we'll be able to afford a DSLR camera! Which will probably still not make me a good photographer. Haha. I want to be able to share with you my life and my cooking. You never know what you'll find!
After finally realizing I needed to do something about my cookbook obsession, I decided to cook from them! I know it's very sad that I have so many cookbooks, and I've hardly cooked from..any of them! Usually I'll randomly pick seven recipes from a cookbook and make one a day. I want to try things I'd never think twice about trying or try favorites I know I'll love with a little twist. I want to be able to rate cookbooks at the end of my 'experiment' and let everyone else know what I think and help you pick out your next favorite cookbook.
I also have around 800 recipes stored on my computer from other blogs and websites that I can't wait to try out. So, let's get cooking!
If you have any problems or comments or just want to chat, please email me at lunar_embrace@hotmail.com.